T-5 Day at RC: The __init__

Posted by StuffonmyMind on February 15, 2021

We started out with the “first stay stuff” which included a Welcome session and meets & greets. Timezones are weird cause the first day started at 9 PM which is more like the end of the day. At the ceremonial first day sessions I got to understand what RC is about, the 4 social rules, software tour and talked to a bunch of new peeps in the zoom chat roulette. I will never not be traumatized after being yanked out of breakrooms in between sente

I also attended the Databases Study Group where they were discussing Designing Data-Intensive Applications but they had already gone past to the second chapter :( but someone from the new batch asked us if we could start a catch up group and discuss from the beginning. I hope we do that, I’ve wanted to read this book for a really long time but been too lazy about it but with a group to study with I might finally get my act together so 🤞


Overall: Not a lot done but had hella fun


That is a lot for a week I know ! but technically I never graduate

Toodles :wq